Wednesday, September 13, 2023

1st Draft Storyboard


"Follow EF" should be replaced with "Follow Math Core" with the Kumon logo/icon under it, as thi sstoryboard was based on a slightly outdated version of my proposal/target audience, don't worry about it being slightly outdated, however. Everything should remain the same besides "EF" being replaced with "Math Core" in the context of this advertisement.

Here's a better version of the picture/a whiter or clearer version 

MINI SELF-REFLECTION: Not much to comment here, aside from once again, admiring how clever my ad's concept was. I'm also kinda proud of how I was one of the first and earliest people to finish my 1st Storyboard Rough Draft, but I don't wanna fuel my ego too much.

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Audience Feedback

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