Sunday, August 20, 2023

Text Analysis - A Quiet Place

     The text was an abstract from "A Quiet Place"

The Film Maker wanted to emphasize that the world is now a shell of it's former self, implying something else has taken it over, and that there are few survivors remaining, and that making any form of sound is deadly.

The big idea is that the world has become devestated, and that there is a family of survivors, however they are absolutely not allowed to make any form of sound whatsoever. This shown by many long shot scenes of empty messed up buildings and a messy town with many disordered things, with the only diegetic sound being the wind. And every few long shots there are sillouetthes of subjects, namely the family, quickly yet quietly running and exploring the empty buildings. A few of the family members are also doing things such as carefully getting drugs off a shelf and swiftly catching an object falling. The effect of the long shot scenes of empty disordered towns and buildings and the wind sound being there on the audience is that emptiness and disorderness in large urban areas are usually accsociated with a sense of unease, or that something is not right. Meanwhile, the diegetic wind sound effect adds on to this, as empty wind sounds is often affiliated with a sense of void

MINI SELF-REFLECTION: I Didn't get to finish this, but honestly writing and practicing in trying to put the big ideas into a paragraph of words is a lot of fun and gets my Media Studies brain working, similar to how the Mini Project w/ Ata really let my mind have some of that creativity, critical thinking, + extended vocabulary.

1 comment:

  1. - I think you have put all of your big ideas into one paragraph.
    - You don't discuss too much of the meaning created by the technical elements. What effect does the families silhouette have on the audience? Why is this used?
    - It's not clear what big idea you are supporting with your evidence.


Audience Feedback

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