Monday, July 29, 2024

Weekly Progress Plan

This is my weekly Progress plan, where I take note of our progress... weekly.

Week Start DateTask Blogpost TitleContent
22 July
29 July
Pre Production
1BriefDescription of the brief, embed powerpointW2
2Plan & Weekly ProgressPlan for the whole project, Weekly diaryW2
3Team Your team + Links ot their blogsW2
4ResearchResearch into documentary openings of the same genre W4
5 August
5Statement of IntentPlan for the productW4
6StoryboardScene by scene storyboardW5
7Location Scout & Risk AssessmentPossible shooting locations, risk assessment tableW5
12 August
19 August
8Behind the ScenesImages of the shootW8
9Social Media (Research & Development)Research into similar social media pages. Development of own ideas. W9
10Thumbnail (Research & Development)Research into similar thumbnails. Development of own ideas.W9
26 August
2 September
Post Production
10Editing ProcessHow did you edit? Challenges, solutionsW9
11Self ReflectionSelf Reflection Essay W9
9 September
16 September
12Final Final doc, social media page, thumbnailW9


We just returned and was given a warm up of some sorts.


OUR NEW PROJECT was literal crime documentries!!! (and music videos in the far far future) I think this'll be interesting, and DEFINETLY waaay easier to manage than say, magazines which were a headache. I think recording with friends sounds like a MUCH more fun activity than say, being stressed about the details & standards of a magazine. We also learned about media regulation, ecology, and another thing I forgot, which seems interesting not gonna lie.

To-Do-List: get a group and make some ideas (for crime documentary).


We learned more about media regulation such as the Livingstone & Luntz theory, and I learned the  comparisons of US vs China in terms of TikTok regulation. Watching videos about this made me realize how well taught the children in China are, compared to US children.

to do list: survey locations


Finishing off Media Regulation, we moved on to Power & The Media! It was interesting to learn how media companies can use or manipulate media to change the perspective or reach a certain narrative they desire that audiences have to follow. (Which can also be used for fake news or manipulation). Also on the weekends me and my friends decided to go to our main location that we scouted (also the only one we've scouted so far) and make a first rough recording. It's not really of high quality, but a rough recording is useful to get a general idea of the smaller details of what we want to record, such as the camera angles or the general actions. Think of it as a 'Prototype recording' or test record.

to do list: we need to record/test record more scenes and maybe start working on the final product.


From what I remember our team made a schedule for when we gotta record more of our crime documentary intro, and then we learned more about stereotypes & we watched both satirical spoofs of crime documentaries, and also actual crime documentary representations of foreigners (that are actually really bad hehehe). We also today wrote on our classroom notes about bozos on the news, and dissected & analyzed why the media tends to under or over represent certain people & groups

Honestly on a personal note about that last part, I agree that people generalize whole groups of people waaay too much, especially when it comes to online fanbases. An example was on Twitter not too long ago some idiot decided to edit the art of someone to reference a inside joke/meme of his fanbase, but the guy who did that wouldn't listen and kept spamming to play along with the joke, but in the end they were looked down upon. However this one guys action caused people to generalize the whole fanbase, i.e. someone made a snarky comment or joke about people in the fanbase acting like upstanding citizens of society which I think came off as stupid and jerkish...

but ignoring that rambling, here is my to do list:

- for my group, we gotta record our crime Doc and get things done

- for me personally I gotta review all the theroeis and theory stuff on my own just in case


The teacher introduced the critical reflection, we did notes on how to answer the 4 questions. Although I was also, kind of sick so I don't think I was able to get much in person. We did do our rough recording of what our documentary is supposed to be like.

Week 7

We did our final recordings this week (one of my teammates will record the final recording tommorow with his father and that'll be it for the recording). Also funnily enough, even after 7 weeks of working on this project, we never thought to give it a name, the most basic and simple task. Carrick and I also started doing the required interview scenes, and the editing task was handed to Gio, while the behind-the-scenes task and blog was handed to me.

To-do-list: Go with Carrick to interview his pastor + tthe behind-the-scenes content during that time and also during the church recording (i.e. pictures or videos of the process) + help contribute to coming up with a title for crime documentary, even if just a little bit.

Week 8

It's the final week, and usually that means everything we postponed & procrastinated on now has to be crammed into one Thursday night, hooray! I kid, but it feels satisfying to get this almost done. Today it was a project lesson (these next few days will be, in general) so we continued polishing related stuff, specifically the critical SELF-REFLECTION. We got a tad bit of work done on Wednesday, however one of my teammates was being distracting and only a little bit productive. I'm honestly ashamed of myself for laughing at his stupid jokes and playing along when deep down I know I shouldn't, like at all. On Thursday, we also continued working on our blogs, but with a little more pressure as this is the last day before grading the final project. We saw the final product (thanks to our pal, Gio), and although it was well edited, there were still problems, such as it being 8 minutes long when it should have stayed 5 minutes max. Luckily we have until Sunday to both complete/cut the video + finish the other half of blogs, since mister was so kind to just let us finish half our blogs for the due date instead of, y'know... having literally everything be done at one day, 9 weeks wasn't enough somehow.

to-do-list: get all my blogs & reflections done on a Thursday night, or at least half of it, and then get the other falh done by Sunday night.

Self-Reflection: This was honestly very tedious to do, but that's mainly because I just forget what happened on the days. I feel like for my next project, I'm don't have to work on my Weekly Progress Plan every day that I have Media so that I don't have to worry about having to come up with jargon, just because I forgot. It'll also be a big time-saver.

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Audience Feedback

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