Friday, October 27, 2023

Targeting Audiences

Here are some notes I made with a group of classmates to test our Demographic/Psychographic knowledge, particularly with magazines. The notes were digitalized by a classmate of mine.

Reflection: Doing the group activity was fun, even though we didn't get to finish our work as always, one of our group members just LOVED to joke around, and thats probably why couldn't get things done on time, but... that didn't stop me from enjoying what I did. I always love trying to use my newfound media literacy thanks to this class to try and understand the meaning behind the technical elements in every form of media texts, it's just so stimulating towards my mind.

Classic Mercedes, Issue 44 (Autumn 2023),
Sundial Magazines LTD

The Time Place Indonesia, Issue 55,
Irwan Danny Mussry

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