Thursday, October 5, 2023

Weekly Progress & Plan

 Here is my Weekly Progress for the Magazine Project and rough plan.




Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(12 Feb)

Deadline (Monday 12th February)





Week 1
We did a review of what we learned in term one by playing some group games together on Monday. Then, on Thursday, We learned about more theories, such as Binary Opposites and other codesand how they are encoded into the story by the author. Our teacher introduced us to the brief for the Magazine project, and it seems interesting not gonna lie. The vocabulary to describe the different features of a magazine all seem a bit difficult to memorize... actually not really, but regardless they seem pretty interesting and fun to learn about it. For as someone as Extroverted as me however, I think I'm gonna choose to do this work alone rather than as a group work, as it sounds more efficient when done alone. 

Week Two
We learned about the different types of terminology for Magazine related content, and we also learned about Representation Theory by, if I'm not mistaken, Stuart Hall. Friday, I... was supposed to do my homework for Media Studies using labels, but I didn't manage my time level... even worse I panicked and lied about doing so, which bit me back on my bottom and made me lose a point in Acelios. Of course, I'm not gonna do that again and I will actually complete my work.

Week Three
- Analysed two front covers in detail
- Started a mini-analysis of double page spread
- Took photos of a magazine staill in a shop
Problems: There were a decent amount of problems for me, for one my laptop number keys were not woring so I couldn't write my password and couldnt access all my work through my laptop, so I had to rely on my friend's phone to do my work, however since I needed to

Week Four
- Genre theory
- Came up with some Magazine Names, Cover Lines, and Cover Lines, along with a very rough idea for what I want for the Main Cover
Problems: I didnt do my hoemwork because it was already so late at night but at least i was direct and honest about it, though i saw my statement of intent in class and it had '-t' in one of the columns, and now im overthinking and doubting about my honesty and dont know if i actually remembered if i finish or not. ah well, its better not to go down that rabbit hole, and at least i finished the bare minimum. also i need to write more text for my magazine development.
Solution: Dont overthink and just do your homework next time.

Week 5
- The class went into groups and did a gallery walk for each of the Media theories 
- Did double page research
Problems: Didn't fully remember all the theories + test tommorow + didnt finish double page spread + didnt bring a magazine with the same genre for my final product
Solutions: Be faster with my work, and manage my time well, take initiative for my final product magazine.
TDL: Study the theories, finish the DPS on my own time, try and find a magazine about comic books if possible.

Week 6
- I began my article for the double page spread of my magazine
- Practiced Section A
Problems: Was admittedly distracted while trying to write the article due to listening to music, thus not working on much.
Solutions: Dont listen to music next time/focus on my work more
TDL: - Get my article done at some point before deadline, maybe on Saturday.

Week 7
- We got and had to answer a class to-do-list for our blogs
Problems: - Didn't finish it
                 - the embed of the statement of intent is not in the correct place
Solutions: - manage my time well and complete my stuff
TDL: - finish checklist
         - put the embed statement of intent in the correct blog



*we had to restart again from week 1 for semester 2 so that its easier to catch up with/count the weeks

Week 1 - We worked on our risk assesments and finally used the location scout photos and checked the risk assesments with those. I hadnt done much actual assesments however as I spent almost 30 minutes trying to get my location scout photos as google drive was being a bit of a jerk to me, not letting me download the images, so I had to find alternatives.

Week 2 - We learned more about Magazine layouts and what kind of stuff you have to consider, such as what stands out, color and type face, etc.. etc..., we also practiced and experimented around with different magazine designs and layouts we could make. We also had our photoshoots in which I took pictures of my classmates Gio and Teja, making them do cool but awkward superhero poses for my magazine's main image. 

Week 3 - We worked and experimented on our different magazine layouts and designs, I made a few experimental layout ideas based on the photoshoot images I took of my friends Gio and Teja. It was fun to make different layouts, but I think I need to make more and use various effects that could fit the style of my comic book artstyle. I should also finalize the masthead names. In general I should experiment with the magazine stuff.

Week 4 - We started the basics/foundations required for our Critical Self-Reflection, and while I didn't write anyting too big yet obviously since we have barely started the project, however- FINISH LATER!!!

Week 5 - I've done a rough sketch of my main cover, since mine is uniquely digitally drawn. However realizing this has made me kinda regret making a Comic Book themed magazine due to how hard it is. I might change from hand drawn to just taking pictures of a collection of comic books and then doing some graphic design related stuff for the contents and double page spread. I will try my best to see what I can do with a HD Magazine cover though, since it is a unique idea. I also need improvement for last unit test about Synergy. 

WEEK 6 - So our class time was literally cut in more than half, which gave us and especially me a lot of trouble because We need more classme to finish our work but also I was planning to do my math homework during our break, but I realized we have no break time, so now we have less than a whole week to finish this work, I hate that our school weeks were shortened. I have to finish everything by this week.

WEEK 7 - With this being the most stressful, exhausting, and busy week I've had for school, Media was the harbinger of all that. Not only did I have to make a full front cover, double page spread, and contents page in the span of a week or two, I've had so much other stuff going on with my other subjects too. I've had to stay up very late last night just to finish my critical self-reflection, and my cover, DPS, contents are very bare minimum. I tried setting up a schedule/plan as to when I should do my work, but I didn't get follow it. I worked on canva and ibis paint for hours. Now as I am writing this 4 minutes before deadline, my work is either almost finihsed, or finihsed to the bare minimum. Next time I do a project like this, I need to learn to manage my time and set goals/schedules.

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Audience Feedback

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